Dokumenttyp | Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autoren | Herausgeber |
article | 2024 | IC3D Classification of Corneal Dystrophies-Edition 3 | Weiss, Jayne S.; Rapuano, Christopher J.; Seitz, Berthold; Busin, Massimo; Kivelä, Tero T.; Bouheraoua, Nacim; Bredrup, Cecilie; Nischal, Ken K.; Chawla, Harshvardhan; Borderie, Vincent; Kenyon, Kenneth R.; Kim, Eung Kweon; Møller, Hans Ulrik; Munier, Francis L.; Berger, Tim; Lisch, Walter | |
article | 2024 | A Cross-sectional Analysis of 556 Eyes Entering the Homburg Aniridia Centre | Fries, Fabian Norbert; Náray, Annamária; Munteanu, Cristian; Stachon, Tanja; Lagali, Neil; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara | |
article | 2024 | Impact of cleanroom status on the reasons for discarding organ-cultured corneal transplants in a modern eye bank - More donor corneas thanks to astronaut suit? | Zilles, Marco; Flockerzi, Elias; Daas, Loay; Weinstein, Isabel; Hamon, Loic; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Phototherapeutische Keratektomie zur Behandlung einer infektiösen Keratitis bei einer Patientin mit PAX6- assozierter Aniridie | Hoxha, Zamira; Flockerzi, Elias; Szentmáry, Nora; Fries, Fabian Norbert; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Was tun, wenn sich die Tapete löst? Zwei unterschiedliche Verläufe einer chronischen Descemetolyse | Khattabi, Zaynab; Berger, Tim; Sneyers, Albéric; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold; Flockerzi, Elias | |
article | 2024 | Review for special issue: Corneal lamellar surgery: Present outcomes and future perspectives | Hamon, Loïc; Weinstein, Isabel; Quintin, Adrien; Safi, Tarek; Bofferding, Max; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Cardio-ocular syndrome: Retinal microvascular changes in acutely decompensated heart failure | Abdin, Amr; Abdin, Alaa Din; Merone, Giuseppe; Aljundi, Wissam; Haring, Bernhard; Abu Dail, Yaser; Mahfoud, Felix; Emrich, Insa; Al Ghorani, Hussam; Böhm, Elsa Wilma; Seitz, Berthold; Böhm, Michael | |
article | 2024 | Evaluation of dynamic corneal response parameters and the biomechanical E-staging after Intacs® SK implantation in keratoconus | Flockerzi, Elias; Berger, Tim Patrick; Seitz, Berthold; Hamon, Loic; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2024 | Leadership in ophthalmology training : Opportunities and risks of medical specialist education | Seitz, Berthold; Turner, Christina; Hamon, Loïc; Sneyers, Albéric; Alles, Felix; Maamri, Amine; Goebels-Kummerow, Susanne; Fiorentzis, Miltiadis; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E. | |
article | 2024 | Calcium Electroporation versus Electrochemotherapy with Bleomycin in an In Vivo CAM-Based Uveal Melanoma Xenograft Model | Tsimpaki, Theodora; Anastasova, Ralitsa; Liu, Hongtao; Seitz, Berthold; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta; Kraemer, Miriam M.; Fiorentzis, Miltiadis | |
article | 2024 | Short-Term Effect of Rose Bengal Photodynamic Therapy (RB-PDT) on Collagen I, Collagen V, NF-κB, LOX, TGF-β and IL-6 Expression of Human Corneal Fibroblasts, In Vitro | Chai, Ning; Stachon, Tanja; Berger, Tim; Li, Zhen; Seitz, Berthold; Langenbucher, Achim; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
Other | 2024 | Intraocular manifestation of a diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the pancreas | Englisch, Colya N.; Berger, Tim; Flockerzi, Fidelis; Hasenfus, Andrea; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Postmortem sympathomimetic iris excitability | Englisch, Colya N.; Alrefai, Reem; Lesan, Cristina Martin; Seitz, Berthold; Tschernig, Thomas | |
article | 2024 | PCR testing for herpesviruses in aqueous humor samples from patients with and without clinical corneal endothelial graft rejection | Abu Dail, Yaser; Daas, Loay; Flockerzi, Elias; Munteanu, Cristian; Kahlert, Julian; Smola, Sigrun; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | First-Year Real-Life Experience with Intravitreal Faricimab for Refractory Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration | Aljundi, Wissam; Daas, Loay; Suffo, Shady; Seitz, Berthold; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2024 | Beidseitige chronische Kontaktlinsen-assoziierte Keratitis | Abu Dail, Y.; Daas, L.; Flockerzi, F. A.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2024 | Severe ulcerative keratopathy following implantation of an acellular porcine corneal stromal lenticule in a patient with keratoconus | Berger, Tim; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Flockerzi, Fidelis; Daas, Loay; Flockerzi, Elias; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Vergleich von immunogenen und kristallinen endothelialen Ablagerungen nach DescemetMembran-Endothel-Keratoplastik (DMEK) – zwei Fallberichte | Kohlhas, Paul; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold; Hamon, Loïc | |
article | 2024 | Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty after failed penetrating keratoplasty- case series and review of the literature | Wykrota, Agata Anna; Hamon, Loïc; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Keratectasia severity staging and progression assessment based on the biomechanical E-staging | Flockerzi, Elias; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Einfluss des Verhältnisses von Transplantatgröße zu Hornhautgröße auf Immunreaktion, Re-BubblingRate und postoperativen Endothelzellverlust bei 457 Augen nach DescemetMembrane-EndothelialKeratoplastik (DMEK) | Reinert, Ursula; Seitz, Berthold; Munteanu, Cristian; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2024 | Natural History of Visual Acuity and Microperimetry-Based Functional Outcome Measures of the Macula in Patients with Geographic Atrophy: A Retrospective Chart Review Study in Germany | Kohlhas, Paul; Abdin, Alaa Din; Aljundi, Wissam; Mattern, Ann-Isabel; Devenijn, Machteld; Borchert, Kathrin; Fricke, Andreas; Viering, Tammo; Wasem, Jürgen; Seitz, Berthold; Kaymak, Hakan | |
article | 2024 | Electroporation with Calcium or Bleomycin: First Application in an In Vivo Uveal Melanoma Patient-Derived Xenograft Model | Anastasova, Ralitsa; Fiorentzis, Miltiadis; Liu, Hongtao; Dalbah, Sami; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Seitz, Berthold; Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta; Tsimpaki, Theodora | |
article | 2024 | The Effect of Glaucoma Treatment on Aniridia-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) - A Report from the Homburg Register for Congenital Aniridia | Fries, Fabian Norbert; Náray, Annamária; Munteanu, Cristian; Stachon, Tanja; Lagali, Neil; Seitz, Berthold; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2024 | Efficacy of Simulator-Based Slit Lamp Training for Medical Students: A Prospective, Randomized Trial | Deuchler, Svenja; Dail, Yaser Abu; Koch, Frank; Buedel, Claudia; Ackermann, Hanns; Flockerzi, Elias; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Subfoveal choroidal thickness increases after excimer laser-assisted penetrating keratoplasty but not after excimer laser-assisted deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty | Aljundi, Wissam; Daas, Loay; Munteanu, Cristian; Seitz, Berthold; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2024 | Die aktuelle IC3D-Klassifikation der Hornhautdystrophien – Übersicht und Änderungen der 3. Auflage | Berger, Tim; Weiss, Jayne S.; Lisch, Walter; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | The Alteration of Intraocular Pressure and Ocular Pulse Amplitude by Retrobulbar Anaesthesia—A Search for Risk Factors for Serious Complications Due to Retrobulbar Anaesthesia | Dobberstein, Deborah; Seitz, Berthold; Viestenz, Anja; Viestenz, Arne | |
article | 2024 | Impact of Intra-Retinal Fluids on Changes in Retinal Ganglion Cell and Nerve Fiber Layers in Neovascular AMD under Anti-VEGF Therapy | Abu Dail, Yaser; Seitz, Berthold; Sideroudi, Haris; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2024 | Conjunctival melanoma with pronounced central corneal invasion: One-year relapse free follow-up | Englisch, Colya N.; Berger, Tim; Flockerzi, Fidelis; Bofferding, Max; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2024 | Rethinking Keratoplasty for Patients with Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Early “Low Load Keratoplasty” in Contrast to Late Optical and Therapeutic Keratoplasty | Abu Dail, Yaser; Flockerzi, Elias; Munteanu, Cristian; Szentmáry, Nóra; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2023 | Assessing the Learning Curve for DMEK Using Post-Procedural Clinical Outcomes : Comparison of Four Different Surgeons during Two Different Periods | Stuhlmacher, Emilia Sophie; Suffo, Shady; Munteanu, Cristian; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2023 | Macular vascularisation changes analysed using OCT angiography after successful rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair | Hartmann, Marie Miriam; Abdin, Alaa Din; Fraenkel, Doris; Munteanu, Christian; Seitz, Berthold; Suffo, Shady | |
article | 2023 | Incidence and treatment approach of intraocular pressure elevation after various types of local steroids for retinal diseases | Wykrota, Agata Anna; Abdin, Alaa Din; Munteanu, Cristian; Löw, Ursula; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2023 | Perforierende ExcimerlaserKeratoplastik nach akutem Keratoglobus im Rahmen einer Osteogenesis imperfecta | El Halabi, M.; Daas, L.; Flockerzi, F.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2023 | Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane as a Patient-Derived Xenograft Model for Uveal Melanoma : Imaging Modalities for Growth and Vascular Evaluation | Tsimpaki, Theodora; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Seitz, Berthold; Kraemer, Miriam M.; Liu, Hongtao; Dalbah, Sami; Sokolenko, Ekaterina; Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta; Fiorentzis, Miltiadis | |
article | 2023 | Choroidal thickness as a possible predictor of non-response to intravitreal bevacizumab for macular edema after retinal vein occlusion | Aljundi, Wissam; Gradinger, Florian; Langenbucher, Achim; Sideroudi, Haris; Seitz, Berthold; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2023 | Prevalence of Geographic Atrophy in Advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in Daily Practice | Abdin, Alaa Din; Devenijn, Machteld; Fulga, Roxana; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold; Kaymak, Hakan | |
article | 2023 | Die Biomechanik der Hornhaut vor und nach Crosslinking bei Patienten mit Keratokonus | Feld, S.; Flockerzi, E.; Daas, L.; Xanthopoulou, K.; Sideroudi, H.; Langenbucher, A.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2023 | Factors Associated With SARS-CoV-2 Infection at a German Medical Congress During the Omicron Wave | Abdin, Alaa Din; Gärtner, Barbara C.; Munteanu, Cristian; Weinstein, Isabel; Mele, Birgit; Gass, Philip; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2023 | Non-invasive endothelial cell density measurement of in toto pre-stripped DMEK-roll - impact of pre- and intraoperative endothelial cell loss on postoperative midterm clinical outcome | Berg, Kolja; Safi, Tarek; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2023 | In situ donor keratometry in deceased patients as a novel screening technique for eye banking | Quintin, Adrien; Hamon, Loïc; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2023 | Morphological and Functional Aspects and Quality of Life in Patients with Achromatopsia | Chan, Caroline; Seitz, Berthold; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara | |
article | 2023 | Visual Impairment and Low Vision Aids : A Comparison between Children and Adults | Perrault, Madeleine A.; Lauer, Gabriele; Voss, Sabine; Seitz, Berthold; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara | |
article | 2023 | Grubenpapillen-Makulopathie: Inzidenz und klinischer Verlauf | Chan, Caroline; Fries, Fabian Norbert; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2023 | Moderne Hornhautdiagnostik als Schlüssel für die korrekte Einordnung der Erkrankung und optimale Therapieentscheidung | Berger, Tim; Flockerzi, Elias; Daas, Loay; Hamon, Loïc; Khattabi, Zaynab; Berger, Maximilian; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2023 | Long-term choroidal thickness changes based on the subtype of macular neovascularization in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (5-year follow-up) | Abdin, Alaa Din; Hanifa, Omar; Aljundi, Wissam; Munteanu, Cristian; Seitz, Berthold; Suffo, Shady | |
article | 2023 | Chronic renal failure as predictive factor for acute elevation of systolic blood pressure after fluorescein angiography in patients with retinal diseases | Abdin, Alaa Din; Hammerschmidt, Marie; Maamri, Amine; Munteanu, Cristian; Haring, Bernhard; Böhm, Michael; Seitz, Berthold; Abdin, Amr | |
article | 2023 | Human corneal epithelial cell and fibroblast migration and growth factor secretion after rose bengal photodynamic therapy (RB-PDT) and the effect of conditioned medium | Chai, Ning; Stachon, Tanja; Berger, Tim; Li, Zhen; Seitz, Berthold; Langenbucher, Achim; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2023 | Refraktives und visuelles Ergebnis nach kombinierter Explantation einer phaken Hinterkammerlinse und Phakoemulsifikation mit Implantation einer torischen IOL | Alles, Felix; Hamon, Loïc; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2023 | Surgical management of complicated Descemet's membrane detachment in corneas without prior endothelial keratoplasty | Berger, Tim; Seitz, Berthold; Flockerzi, Elias; Suffo, Shady; Flockerzi, Fidelis A.; Berger, Maximilian; Szentmáry, Nóra; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2023 | Identification of the regulatory circuit governing corneal epithelial fate determination and disease | Smits, Jos G. A.; Cunha, Dulce Lima; Amini, Maryam; Bertolin, Marina; Laberthonnière, Camille; Qu, Jieqiong; Owen, Nicholas; Latta, Lorenz; Seitz, Berthold; Roux, Lauriane N.; Stachon, Tanja; Ferrari, Stefano; Moosajee, Mariya; Aberdam, Daniel; Szentmary, Nora; van Heeringen, Simon J.; Zhou, Huiqing | |
article | 2023 | Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty is the predominant keratoplasty procedure in Germany since 2016: a report of the DOG-section cornea and its keratoplasty registry | Flockerzi, Elias; Turner, Christina; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2023 | Protein profiling of conjunctival impression cytology samples of aniridia subjects | Stachon, Tanja; Fecher-Trost, Claudia; Latta, Lorenz; Yapar, Dalya; Fries, Fabian N.; Meyer, Markus R.; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2023 | In Vitro Expression Analysis of Cytokines and ROS-Related Genes in Human Corneal Fibroblasts and Keratocytes of Healthy and Keratoconus Corneas | Berger, Tim; Szentmáry, Nóra; Chai, Ning; Flockerzi, Elias; Daas, Loay; Stachon, Tanja; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2023 | Dry eye disease in astronauts: a narrative review | Ax, Timon; Ganse, Bergita; Fries, Fabian N.; Szentmáry, Nóra; de Paiva, Cintia S.; March de Ribot, Francesc; Jensen, Slade O.; Seitz, Berthold; Millar, Thomas J. | |
article | 2022 | Phototherapeutische Keratektomie bei EpithelBasalmembran-Dystrophie Einfluss verwendeter Excimerlaser-Systeme auf die Entwicklung von Visus, Refraktion und Astigmatismus | Adams, C.; Mahler, S. B. C.; Daas, L.; Langenbucher, A.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2022 | Therapierefraktäre Epiphora nach Dakryozystorhinostomie – Stellenwert von Bildgebung und Histopathologie | Vandebroek, Anne-Cécile; Rickmann, Annekatrin; Boden, Karl; Szurman, Gesine; Bozzato, Viktoria; Seitz, Berthold; Fries, Fabian N. | |
article | 2022 | Immunreaktion nach perforierender Keratoplastik in Abhängigkeit von der Transplantatgröße und -zentrierung | Tischer, N.; Zemova, E.; Maamri, A.; Pfeiffer, M.; Reinert, U.; Sideroudi, H.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2022 | Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: efficacy of outbreak management | Martin, Cristina; Löw, Ursula; Quintin, Adrien; Schießl, Gesine; Gärtner, Barbara; Heim, Albert; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Altered Regulation of mRNA and miRNA Expression in Epithelial and Stromal Tissue of Keratoconus Corneas | Stachon, Tanja; Nastaranpour, Mahsa; Seitz, Berthold; Meese, Eckart; Latta, Lorenz; Taneri, Suphi; Ardjomand, Navid; Szentmáry, Nóra; Ludwig, Nicole | |
article | 2022 | Morphological characterization and clinical effects of stromal alterations after intracorneal ring segment implantation in keratoconus | Hamon, Loïc; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Flockerzi, Fidelis A.; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2022 | Fuchs-Endotheldystrophie, Katarakt und Astigmatismus Ein Vergleich der Korrektur des Astigmatismus mittels DMEK plus simultaner vs. sequenzieller Kataraktoperation mit torischer IOL-Implantation | Hamon, Loïc; Berger, Tim Patrick; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2022 | Approval rates for corneal donation and the origin of donor tissue for transplantation at a university-based tertiary referral center with corneal subspecialization hosting a LIONS Eye Bank | Wykrota, Agata Anna; Weinstein, Isabel; Hamon, Loïc; Daas, Loay; Flockerzi, Elias; Suffo, Shady; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Recurrent ligneous conjunctivitis after cataract surgery in a 67-year-old male patient: a case report | Maamri, Amine; Zemova, Elena; Moslemani, Kayed; Flockerzi, Fidelis; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Akute Transplantatinsuffizienz 35 Jahre nach perforierender Keratoplastik | Berger, Tim; Daas, Loay; Aljundi, Wissam; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Einseitige Papillenschwellung – nicht immer ist es nur eine AION | El Halabi, M.; Seitz, B.; Abdin, A. D. | |
article | 2022 | Calcium Electroporation Reduces Viability and Proliferation Capacity of Four Uveal Melanoma Cell Lines in 2D and 3D Cultures | Kraemer, Miriam M.; Tsimpaki, Theodora; Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Seitz, Berthold; Fiorentzis, Miltiadis | |
article | 2022 | Autologe Serumaugentropfen bei therapieresistenten Epitheldefekten der Kornea - Einfluss der Grunderkrankung und einer simultanen Amnionmembrantransplantation bei 990 Anwendungen | Weischnur, Laura; Xanthopoulou, Kassandra; Munteanu, Cristian; Leonhard, Marie; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Trabekulektomie mit Mitomycin C und Ologen®-Implantat im Vergleich zur klassischen Trabekulektomie | Helmers, Gloria; Munteanu, Cristian; Löw, Ursula; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Combined biomechanical and tomographic keratoconus staging: Adding a biomechanical parameter to the ABCD keratoconus staging system | Flockerzi, Elias; Vinciguerra, Riccardo; Belin, Michael Wellington; Vinciguerra, Paolo; Ambrósio, Renato; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Efficacy of Off-Label Anti-Amoebic Agents to Suppress Trophozoite Formation of Acanthamoeba spp. on Non-Nutrient Agar Escherichia Coli Plates | Muthukumar, Vithusan; Shi, Lei; Chai, Ning; Langenbucher, Achim; Becker, Sören L.; Seitz, Berthold; Orosz, Erika; Stachon, Tanja; Kiderlen, Albrecht F.; Bischoff, Markus; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
Other | 2022 | Response to: HCE-T cells express cornea-specific differentiation marker, PAX6 protein | Latta, Lorenz; Stachon, Tanja; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2022 | The Impact of the First COVID-19 Lockdown Period on the Inpatient and Outpatient Volume of a University Based Tertiary Referral Center with Corneal Subspecialization in Germany | Maiassi, Nadir; Xanthopoulou, Kassandra; Löw, Ursula; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Rezidivrisiko von periokulären Basalzellkarzinomen nach histologisch kontrollierter Exzision | Dethmers, Arianna; Löw, Ursula; Langenbucher, Achim; Flockerzi, Fidelis; Bohle, Rainer M.; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Topical NSAIDs and Oral Acetazolamide for Macular Edema after Uncomplicated Phacoemulsification : Outcome and Predictors of Non-Response | Aljundi, Wissam; Daas, Loay; Abu Dail, Yaser; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2022 | Corneal epithelial ingrowth after perforating corneal injury: a case report | Quintin, Adrien; Hamon, Loïc; Flockerzi, Fidelis A.; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Dias Blak, Matthias; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2022 | Impact of intravitreal ranibizumab, aflibercept and bevacizumab on retinal ganglion cell and nerve fibre layer thickness in Neovascular age-related macular degeneration | Abu Dail, Yaser; Seitz, Berthold; Sideroudi, Haris; Abdin, Alaa D. | |
article | 2022 | Reliability analysis of successive Corvis ST® measurements in keratoconus 2 years after accelerated corneal crosslinking compared to untreated keratoconus corneas | Xanthopoulou, Kassandra; Seitz, Berthold; Belin, Michael W.; Flockerzi, Elias | |
article | 2022 | Outcomes of Severe Fungal Keratitis Using in vivo Confocal Microscopy and Early Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty | Sourlis, Chrysovalantis; Seitz, Berthold; Roth, Mathias; Hamon, Loïc; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2022 | Prevalence and severity of cornea guttata in the graft following Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) | Schmitz, Lena-Marie; Safi, Tarek; Munteanu, Cristian; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2021 | Optimisation of the Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay in Uveal Melanoma Research | Sokolenko, Ekaterina A.; Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta; Ting, Saskia C.; Schmid, Kurt W.; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Seitz, Berthold; Kraemer, Miriam Monika; Fiorentzis, Miltiadis | |
article | 2021 | An attempt to optimize the outcome of penetrating keratoplasty in congenital aniridia-associated keratopathy (AAK) | Farah, C. J.; Fries, F. N.; Latta, L.; Käsmann-Kellner, B.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2021 | Großer Salzmann-Knoten oder doch akuter Keratokonus? | Paoletti, T.; Maamri, A.; Zemova, E.; Flockerzi, F.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2021 | Mitarbeiterbefragung nach Einführung der elektronischen Patientenakte FIDUS an der Universitätsaugenklinik des Saarlandes | Maamri, Amine; Fries, Fabian N.; Spira-Eppig, Corinna; Eppig, Timo; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2021 | Phakovitrektomie – Einfluss des Zeitpunktes der Kunstlinsenimplantation auf das korneale Endothel | Seifert, Anastasia; Seitz, Berthold; Wagenpfeil, Gudrun; Ludwig, Klaus; Krause, Matthias | |
article | 2021 | Reliability and efficiency of corneal thickness measurements using sterile donor tomography in the eye bank | Hamon, Loïc; Quintin, Adrien; Mäurer, Stephanie; Weinstein, Isabel; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2021 | Fibröse retrokorneale und perilentale Membran nach perforierender Keratoplastik | Abu Dail, Y.; Suffo, S.; Flockerzi, F. A.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2021 | Ausgeprägter Wessely-Immunring bei Keratitis – ein Chamäleon | Weinstein, Isabel; Fries, Fabian N.; Szentmáry, Nóra; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2021 | Ein 27-jähriger Mann mit „Hornhauttrübung“ nach Astverletzung | Hamon, Loïc; Flockerzi, Elias; Ardjomand, Navid; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2021 | Konjunktivektomie, Amnionmembrantransplantation als Multilayer-Graft und systemische Immunsuppression bei bilateraler peripherer ulzeröser Keratitis | Razafimino, S.; Marjanovic, I.; Flockerzi, E.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2021 | NF-κB, iNOS, IL-6, and collagen 1 and 5 expression in healthy and keratoconus corneal fibroblasts after 0.1% riboflavin UV-A illumination | Berger, Tim; Szentmáry, Nóra; Latta, Lorenz; Seitz, Berthold; Stachon, Tanja | |
article | 2021 | Akuter binokularer Visusverlust bei Basilarisaneurysma-bedingter Subarachnoidalblutung | Fries, Fabian N.; Hendrix, Philipp; Abdin, Alaa Din; Seitz, Berthold; Sourlis, Chrysovalantis; Fries, Frederik A.; Mühl-Benninghaus, Ruben | |
article | 2021 | Purpureocillium lilacinum : Atypischer Erreger einer mykotischen Keratitis bei einer immunkompetenten Patientin | Hamon, Loïc; El Halabi, Mohammed; Flockerzi, Fidelis A.; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2021 | Excimerlaser-gestützte DALK: Ein Fallbericht aus dem Homburger Keratokonus Center (HKC) | Daas, Loay; Hamon, Loïc; Ardjomand, Navid; Safi, Tarek; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2021 | Intravitreal aflibercept following treat and extend protocol versus fixed protocol for treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration | Abdin, Alaa Din; Mohamed, Asem; Munteanu, Cristian; Weinstein, Isabel; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold; Suffo, Shady | |
article | 2021 | Komplette Visuserholung nach Nd:YAG-Laserpolitur der Kunstlinsenvorderfläche | Quintin, Adrien; Seitz, Berthold; Berger, Tim; Abdin, Alaa Din | |
article | 2021 | Doppelbilder bei einem 60-jährigen Patienten | Maamri, Amine; Suffo, Shady; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2021 | Ausgeprägte Bandkeratopathie bei Refsum-Syndrom | Weinstein, Isabel; Fries, Fabian N.; Hartmann, Marie; Abdin, Alaa Din; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2021 | Electrochemotherapy with Bleomycin Enhances Radiosensitivity of Uveal Melanomas: First In Vitro Results in 3D Cultures of Primary Uveal Melanoma Cell Lines | Fiorentzis, Miltiadis; Sokolenko, Ekaterina A.; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Ting, Saskia; Schmid, Kurt W.; Sak, Ali; Stuschke, Martin; Seitz, Berthold; Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta | |
article | 2021 | Similarities in DSG1 and KRT3 Downregulation through Retinoic Acid Treatment and PAX6 Knockdown Related Expression Profiles: Does PAX6 Affect RA Signaling in Limbal Epithelial Cells? | Latta, Lorenz; Knebel, Igor; Bleil, Constanze; Stachon, Tanja; Katiyar, Priya; Zussy, Claire; Fries, Fabian Norbert; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2021 | Malignant Keratitis Caused by a Highly-Resistant Strain of Fusarium Tonkinense from the Fusarium Solani Complex | Schrecker, Jens; Seitz, Berthold; Berger, Tim; Daas, Loay; Behrens-Baumann, Wolfgang; Auw-Hädrich, Claudia; Schütt, Sabine; Kerl, Sabine; Rentner-Andres, Sascha; Hof, Herbert | |
article | 2021 | Efficacy, safety, and predictability of transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy: meta-analysis | Sabau, Alexandra; Daas, Loay; Behkit, Abdelshafi; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Langenbucher, Achim; Ardjomand, Navid; Flockerzi, Elias; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2021 | Sonographic and ophthalmic assessment of optic nerve in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension: A longitudinal study | Knodel, Sophia; Roemer, S N; Moslemani, Kayed; Wykrota, Agata; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Wagenpfeil, Gudrun; Faßbender, Klaus; Naldi, A; Kalampokini, S; Lochner, Piergiorgio | |
article | 2021 | Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) in Previously Vitrectomized Eyes : Complications and Clinical Outcomes | Aljundi, Wissam; Abdin, Alaadin; Suffo, Shady; Seitz, Berthold; Daas, Loay | |
article | 2021 | Reliability analysis of successive Corneal Visualization Scheimpflug Technology measurements in different keratoconus stages | Flockerzi, Elias; Häfner, Larissa; Xanthopoulou, Kassandra; Daas, Loay; Munteanu, Cristian; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2021 | Herpes simplex virus PCR in 2230 explanted corneal buttons | Tóth, Gábor; Berkó‐Göttel, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Langenbucher, Achim; Stachon, Tanja; Pluzsik, Milán Tamás; Nagy, Zoltán Zsolt; Smola, Sigrun; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2020 | Image Analysis of 3D Conjunctival Melanoma Cell Cultures Following Electrochemotherapy | Fiorentzis, Miltiadis; Katopodis, Periklis; Kalirai, Helen; Seitz, Berthold; Viestenz, Arne; Coupland, Sarah E. | |
article | 2020 | High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan Promotes Corneal Nerve Growth in Severe Dry Eyes | van Setten, Gysbert-Botho; Stachs, Oliver; Dupas, Bénédicte; Turhan, Semra Akkaya; Seitz, Berthold; Reitsamer, Herbert; Winter, Karsten; Horwath-Winter, Jutta; Guthoff, Rudolf F.; Müller-Lierheim, Wolfgang G. K. | |
article | 2020 | Structural changes in the corneal subbasal nerve plexus in keratoconus | Flockerzi, Elias; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2020 | The HYLAN M Study: Efficacy of 0.15% High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan Fluid in the Treatment of Severe Dry Eye Disease in a Multicenter Randomized Trial | van Setten, Gysbert-Botho; Baudouin, Christophe; Horwath-Winter, Jutta; Böhringer, Daniel; Stachs, Oliver; Toker, Ebru; Al-Zaaidi, Sultan; Benitez-del-Castillo, Jose M.; Beck, Ria; Al-Sheikh, Osama; Seitz, Berthold; Barabino, Stefano; Reitsamer, Herbert A.; Müller-Lierheim, Wolfgang G.K. | |
article | 2020 | Corneae from body donors in anatomy department: valuable use for clinical transplantation and experimental research | Martin, Cristina; Tschernig, Thomas; Loic, Hamon; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2020 | Rezidivierendes DMEK-Versagen | Matar, C.; Seitz, B.; Daas, L. | |
article | 2020 | Mischinfektionen bei kontaktlinsenassoziierter mykotischer Keratitis mit Pseudomonas oder Akanthamöben | Farah, C. J.; Seitz, B.; Hamon, L.; Sourlis, C.; Daas, L. | |
article | 2020 | Hypoxic stress increases NF-κB and iNOS mRNA expression in normal, but not in keratoconus corneal fibroblasts | Stachon, Tanja; Latta, Lorenz; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2020 | Ein 63-jähriger Patient mit akuter Sehverschlechterung nach perforierender Keratoplastik bei Keratokonus | Maamri, Amine; Hamon, Loïc; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2020 | Keratokonusdetektion und Ableitung des Ausprägungsgrades aus den Parametern des Corvis®ST : Eine Studie, basierend auf Algorithmen des Maschinenlernens | Langenbucher, Achim; Häfner, Larissa; Eppig, Timo; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra; Flockerzi, Elias | |
article | 2020 | Vergleich der sterilen Spendertomographie in der Hornhautbank mit der Tomographie des Transplantates nach perforierender Keratoplastik | Quintin, A.; Hamon, L.; Mäurer, S.; Langenbucher, A.; Seitz, B. | |
article | 2020 | Implantation einer „small-aperture Intraokularlinse (IOL)“ bei 2 Patientinnen mit irregulärem Astigmatismus nach keratorefraktiver Chirurgie | Hartmann, M.; Hamon, L.; Flockerzi, E.; Ardjomand, N.; Seitz, B.; Daas, L. | |
article | 2020 | Histoacryl-Kleber zur Akutversorgung von Hornhautperforationen bei nekrotisierender herpetischer Keratitis | El Halabi, M.; Seitz, B.; Quintin, A.; Suffo, S.; Flockerzi, F.; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, U.; Daas, L. | |
article | 2020 | Keratin 12 mRNA expression could serve as an early corneal marker for limbal explant cultures | Shi, Lei; Stachon, Tanja; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra; Latta, Lorenz | |
article | 2020 | Reliabilität der Hornhauttomographie nach Implantation von intrakornealen Ringsegmenten bei Keratokonus | Matar, C.; Daas, L.; Suffo, S.; Langenbucher, A.; Seitz, B.; Eppig, T. | |
article | 2020 | Mikrobiologische und infektiologische Aspekte der postoperativen Endophthalmitis | Becker, Sören L.; Bisorca-Gassendorf, Lukas; Boden, Karl T.; Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Januschowski, Kai; Seitz, Berthold; Pérez Guerra, Núria | |
article | 2020 | Electrochemotherapy in 3D Ocular Melanoma Spheroids using a Customized Electrode | Fiorentzis, Miltiadis; Viestenz, Arne; Seitz, Berthold; Coupland, Sarah E.; Heinzelmann, Joana | |
article | 2020 | Thickness and Curvature Changes of Human Corneal Grafts in Dextran-Containing Organ Culture Medium Before Keratoplasty | Hamon, Loïc; Daas, Loay; Mäurer, Stephanie; Weinstein, Isabel; Quintin, Adrien; Schulz, Katja; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2019 | The Potential Use of Electrochemotherapy in the Treatment of Uveal Melanoma: In Vitro Results in 3D Tumor Cultures and In Vivo Results in a Chick Embryo Model | Fiorentzis, Miltiadis; Viestenz, Arne; Siebolts, Udo; Seitz, Berthold; Coupland, Sarah E.; Heinzelmann, Joana | |
article | 2019 | Hypothyroidism is Not Associated with Keratoconus Disease: Analysis of 626 Subjects | Flaskó, Zsuzsa; Zemova, Elena; Eppig, Timo; Módis, László; Langenbucher, Achim; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
Other | 2019 | Verbesserung der PJ-Lehre am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes (UKS) | Seitz, Berthold; Graf, Norbert; Menger, Michael; Monz, Dominik; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara | |
Other | 2019 | Etablierung einer PJ-Faculty an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes UdS : „Docendo discimus“, „Transparenz und Kommunikation“ | Seitz, B.; Graf, N.; Menger, M.; Monz, D.; Käsmann-Kellner, B. | |
article | 2019 | Endothelial cell density and corneal graft thickness following excimer laser vs. femtosecond laser-assisted penetrating keratoplasty-a prospective randomized study | Tóth, Gábor; Butskhrikidze, Teona; Seitz, Berthold; Langenbucher, Achim; Hager, Tobias; Akhmedova, Elina; El-Husseiny, Moatasem; Szentmáry, Nóra | |
article | 2019 | Ultrastructural findings in graft failure after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) and new triple procedure | Schmidt, Isabell; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Langenbucher, Achim; Eppig, Timo; Hager, Tobias; Zimpfer, Annette; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2018 | Ophthalmomyiasis externa due to Oestrus ovis in a traveller returning from Greece | Fries, Fabian N.; Pattmöller, Max; Seitz, Berthold; Berger, Fabian; Kampen, Helge; Szentmáry, Nóra; Becker, Sören L. | |
article | 2018 | Trends in Corneal Transplantation from 2001 to 2016 in Germany: A Report of the DOG-Section Cornea and its Keratoplasty Registry | Flockerzi, Elias; Maier, Philip; Böhringer, Daniel; Reinshagen, Helga; Kruse, Friedrich; Cursiefen, Claus; Reinhard, Thomas; Geerling, Gerd; Torun, Necip; Seitz, Berthold | |
article | 2017 | Bacterial keratitis: Photodynamic inactivation reduced experimental inflammation | Deichelbohrer, Mona; Wu, Ming-Feng; Seitz, Berthold; Hüttenberger, Dirk; Laschke, Matthias W.; Foth, Hans-Jochen; Wonnenberg, Bodo; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Meier, Carola; Bischoff, Markus; Tschernig, Thomas | |
article | 2017 | Chlorin e6 mediated photodynamic inactivation for multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis in mice in vivo | Wu, Ming-Feng; Deichelbohrer, Mona; Tschernig, Thomas; Laschke, Matthias W.; Szentmáry, Nóra; Hüttenberger, Dirk; Foth, Hans-Jochen; Seitz, Berthold; Bischoff, Markus | |