List of publications

article2024Guided Docking as a Data Generation Approach Facilitates Structure-Based Machine Learning on KinasesBackenköhler, Michael; Groß, Joschka; Wolf, Verena; Volkamer, Andrea
article2023Unsupervised relational inference using masked reconstructionGroßmann, Gerrit; Zimmerlin, Julian; Backenköhler, Michael; Wolf, Verena
article2021Heterogeneity matters: Contact structure and individual variation shape epidemic dynamicsGroßmann, Gerrit; Backenköhler, Michael; Wolf, Verena
conferenceObjectPart2020A Stochastic Automata Network Description for Spatial DNA-Methylation ModelsLück, Alexander; Wolf, VerenaHermanns, Holger
conferenceObjectPart2020Rejection-Based Simulation of Non-Markovian Agents on Complex NetworksGroßmann, Gerrit; Bortolussi, Luca; Wolf, VerenaCherifi, Hocine; Gaito, Sabrina; Mendes, José Fernendo; Moro, Esteban; Rocha, Luis M.
article2020Efficient simulation of non-Markovian dynamics on complex networksGroßmann, Gerrit; Bortolussi, Luca; Wolf, Verena
conferenceObjectPart2019Rejection-Based Simulation of Stochastic Spreading Processes on Complex NetworksGroßmann, Gerrit; Wolf, VerenaČeška, Milan; Paoletti, Nicola
conferenceObjectPart2019Bounding First Passage Times in Chemical Reaction NetworksBackenköhler, Michael; Bortolussi, Luca; Wolf, VerenaBortolussi, Luca; Sanguinetti, Guido
conferenceObjectPart2019Control Variates for Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Reaction NetworksBackenköhler, Michael; Bortolussi, Luca; Wolf, VerenaBortolussi, Luca; Sanguinetti, Guido
article2019Hidden Markov Modelling Reveals Neighborhood Dependence of Dnmt3a and 3b ActivityLuck, Alexander; Giehr, Peter Pascal; Nordstrom, Karl; Walter, Jörn Erik; Wolf, Verena
conferenceObjectPart2019Informatikunterricht in der Grundschule? – Erprobung und Auswertung eines Unterrichtsmoduls mit Calliope miniBaum, Kevin; Kirsch, Nadine; Reese, Kerstin; Schmidt, Pascal; Wachter, Lukas; Wolf, VerenaPasternak, Arno
conferenceObjectPart2019A Hybrid HMM Approach for the Dynamics of DNA MethylationKyriakopoulos, Charalampos; Giehr, Peter Pascal; Lück, Alexander; Walter, Jörn Erik; Wolf, VerenaČeška, Milan; Paoletti, Nicola
article2018Two are better than one: HPoxBS - hairpin oxidative bisulfite sequencingGiehr, Peter Pascal; Kyriakopoulos, Charalampos; Lepikhov, Konstantin; Wallner, Stefan; Wolf, Verena; Walter, Jörn Erik
article2018Lumping of degree-based mean-field and pair-approximation equations for multistate contact processesKyriakopoulos, Charalampos; Grossmann, Gerrit; Wolf, Verena; Bortolussi, Luca
article2018Simulating the Large-Scale Erosion of Genomic Privacy Over TimeBackes, Michael; Berrang, Pascal; Humbert, Mathias; Shen, Xiaoyu; Wolf, Verena
conferenceObjectPart2018Student Performance Prediction and Optimal Course Selection: An MDP ApproachBackenköhler, Michael; Wolf, VerenaCerone, Antonio; Roveri, Marco
article2018Stochastic hybrid models of gene regulatory networks - A PDE approachKurasov, Pavel; Lück, Alexander; Mugnolo, Delio; Wolf, Verena
conferenceObjectPart2018Lumping the Approximate Master Equation for Multistate Processes on Complex NetworksGroßmann, Gerrit; Kyriakopoulos, Charalampos; Bortolussi, Luca; Wolf, VerenaMcIver, Annabelle; Horvath, Andras
article2018Approximate adaptive uniformization of continuous-time Markov chainsAndreychenko, Alexander; Sandmann, Werner; Wolf, Verena
conferenceObjectPart2018Data-Driven Approach Towards a Personalized CurriculumBackenköhler, Michael; Scherzinger, Felix; Singla, Adish; Wolf, VerenaYudelson, Michael; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth
article2017H(O)TA: estimation of DNA methylation and hydroxylation levels and efficiencies from time course dataKyriakopoulos, Charalampos; Giehr, Peter Pascal; Wolf, Verena
article2017Moment-Based Parameter Estimation for Stochastic Reaction Networks in EquilibriumBackenkohler, Michael; Bortolussi, Luca; Wolf, Verena
bookPart2017Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation: Comparison of the Method of Moments and the System Size ExpansionAndreychenko, Alexander; Bortolussi, Luca; Grima, Ramon; Thomas, Philipp; Wolf, VerenaGraw, Frederik; Matthäus, Franziska; Pahle, Jürgen
conferenceObjectPart2017A Stochastic Model for the Formation of Spatial Methylation PatternsLück, Alexander; Giehr, Peter Pascal; Walter, Jörn Erik; Wolf, VerenaFeret, Jérôme; Koeppl, Heinz
ORCID: iD icon
Name:Wolf, Verena
Faculty: MI - Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
Department: MI - Informatik
Professorship:MI - Prof. Dr. Verena Wolf
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