List of publications

article2023The adhesion capability of Staphylococcus aureus cells is heterogeneously distributed over the cell envelopeSpengler, Christian; Maikranz, Erik; Glatz, Bernhard; Klatt, Michael Andreas; Heintz, Hannah; Bischoff, Markus; Santen, Ludger; Fery, Andreas; Jacobs, Karin
article2022Hydroxyapatite Pellets as Versatile Model Surfaces for Systematic Adhesion Studies on Enamel : A Force Spectroscopy Case StudyMischo, Johannes; Faidt, Thomas; McMillan, Ryan B.; Dudek, Johanna; Gunaratnam, Gubesh; Bayenat, Pardis; Holtsch, Anne; Spengler, Christian; Müller, Frank; Hähl, Hendrik; Bischoff, Markus; Hannig, Matthias; Jacobs, Karin
article2021Using Knock-Out Mutants to Investigate the Adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to Abiotic SurfacesSpengler, Christian; Nolle, Friederike; Thewes, Nicolas; Wieland, Ben; Jung, Philipp; Bischoff, Markus; Jacobs, Karin
article2021Modeling Bacterial Adhesion to Unconditioned Abiotic SurfacesSpengler, Christian; Maikranz, Erik; Santen, Ludger; Jacobs, Karin
article2020Candida albicans adhesion to central venous catheters: Impact of blood plasma-driven germ tube formation and pathogen-derived adhesinsJung, Philipp; Mischo, Clara E.; Gunaratnam, Gubesh; Spengler, Christian; Becker, Sören L.; Hube, Bernhard; Jacobs, Karin; Bischoff, Markus
article2020Human blood plasma factors affect the adhesion kinetics of Staphylococcus aureus to central venous cathetersGunaratnam, Gubesh; Spengler, Christian; Trautmann, Simone; Jung, Philipp; Mischo, Johannes; Wieland, Ben; Metz, Carlos; Becker, Sören L.; Hannig, Matthias; Jacobs, Karin; Bischoff, Markus
article2020In-Depth Investigation of Copper Surface Chemistry Modification by Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference PatterningMüller, Daniel W.; Holtsch, Anne; Lößlein, Sarah; Pauly, Christoph; Spengler, Christian; Grandthyll, Samuel; Jacobs, Karin; Mücklich, Frank; Müller, Frank
article2020Engineered spider silk-based 2D and 3D materials prevent microbial infestationKumari, Sushma; Lang, Gregor; DeSimone, Elise; Spengler, Christian; Trossmann, Vanessa T.; Lücker, Susanne; Hudel, Martina; Jacobs, Karin; Krämer, Norbert; Scheibel, Thomas
article2020Different binding mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus to hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfacesMaikranz, Erik; Spengler, Christian; Thewes, Nicolas; Thewes, Alexander; Nolle, Friederike; Jung, Philipp; Bischoff, Markus; Santen, Ludger; Jacobs, Karin
article2019Strength of bacterial adhesion on nanostructured surfaces quantified by substrate morphometrySpengler, Christian; Nolle, Friederike; Mischo, Johannes; Faidt, Thomas; Grandthyll, Samuel; Thewes, Nicolas; Koch, Marcus; Müller, Frank; Bischoff, Markus; Klatt, Michael Andreas; Jacobs, Karin
article2019ClpC affects the intracellular survival capacity of Staphylococcus aureus in non-professional phagocytic cellsGunaratnam, Gubesh; Tuchscherr, Lorena; Elhawy, Mohamed I.; Bertram, Ralph; Eisenbeis, Janina; Spengler, Christian; Tschernig, Thomas; Löffler, Bettina; Somerville, Greg A; Jacobs, Karin; Herrmann, Mathias; Bischoff, Markus
article2018Effect of Fluoride Treatment on the Acid Resistance of HydroxyapatiteFaidt, Thomas; Friedrichs, Andreas; Grandthyll, Samuel; Spengler, Christian; Jacobs, Karin; Müller, Frank
article2018Comment on “XPS and FTIR studies of sodium arsenate vitrification by cullet” by Z. Zhao et al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 452 (2016) 238–244Grandthyll, Samuel; Faidt, Thomas; Spengler, Christian; Hähl, Hendrik; Müller, Frank
article2017Determination of the nano-scaled contact area of staphylococcal cellsSpengler, Christian; Thewes, Nicolas; Jung, Philipp; Bischoff, Markus; Jacobs, Karin
article2017Enhanced adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to hydroxyapatite after exposure to salivaSpengler, Christian; Thewes, Nicolas; Nolle, Friederike; Faidt, Thomas; Umanskaya, Natalia; Hannig, Matthias; Bischoff, Markus; Jacobs, Karin
Name:Spengler, Christian
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