List of publications

article2022Systems metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum eliminates all by-products for selective and high-yield production of the platform chemical 5-aminovalerateRohles, Christina; Pauli, Sarah; Gießelmann, Gideon; Kohlstedt, Michael; Becker, Judith; Wittmann, Christoph
doctoralThesis2019Systems metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for the production of L-lysine and ectoineGießelmann, Gideon
article2018A bio-based route to the carbon-5 chemical glutaric acid and to bionylon-6,5 using metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicumRohles, Christina Maria; Gläser, Lars; Kohlstedt, Michael; Gießelmann, Gideon; Pearson, Samuel; del Campo Bécares, Aránzazu; Becker, Judith; Wittmann, Christoph
Name:Gießelmann, Gideon
Faculty: -
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