List of publications

doctoralThesis2022Die Proteinkinase CK2 : Ein neuer Regulator des Oberflächenproteins nerve/glial antigen (NG)2Schmitt, Beate Maria
article2022Targeting Pancreatic Islet NLRP3 Improves Islet Graft RevascularizationWrublewsky, Selina; Speer, Thimoteus; Nalbach, Lisa; Boewe, Anne S.; Pack, Mandy; Alansary, Dalia; Roma, Leticia P.; Hoffmann, Markus D. A.; Schmitt, Beate M.; Weinzierl, Andrea; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W.; Ampofo, Emmanuel
article2021CK2 Activity Mediates the Aggressive Molecular Signature of Glioblastoma Multiforme by Inducing Nerve/Glial Antigen (NG)2 ExpressionSchmitt, Beate M.; Boewe, Anne S.; Götz, Claudia; Philipp, Stephan E.; Urbschat, Steffi; Oertel, Joachim; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W.; Ampofo, Emmanuel
article2020The stability of CREB3/Luman is regulated by protein kinase CK2 phosphorylationSchmitt, Beate Maria; Ampofo, Emmanuel; Stumpf, Heike; Montenarh, Mathias; Götz, Claudia
article2020Protein Kinase CK2 Regulates Nerve/Glial Antigen (NG)2-Mediated Angiogenic Activity of Human PericytesSchmitt, Beate M.; Boewe, Anne S.; Becker, Vivien; Nalbach, Lisa; Gu, Yuan; Götz, Claudia; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W.; Ampofo, Emmanuel
article2019Nerve/glial antigen 2 is crucially involved in the revascularization of freely transplanted pancreatic isletsNalbach, Lisa; Schmitt, Beate M.; Becker, Vivien; Scheller, Anja; Laschke, Matthias W.; Menger, Michael D.; Ampofo, Emmanuel
article2018Function of protein kinase CK2 in thrombus formationAmpofo, Emmanuel; Schmitt, Beate M.; Laschke, Matthias W.; Menger, Michael D.
article2018Targeting the Microcirculation by Indole-3-carbinol and Its Main Derivate 3,3,'-diindolylmethane : Effects on Angiogenesis, Thrombosis and InflammationAmpofo, Emmanuel; Schmitt, Beate M.; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W.
article2017Nerve/glial antigen (NG) 2 is a crucial regulator of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 expressionSchmitt, Beate M.; Laschke, Matthias W.; Rössler, Oliver G.; Huang, Wenhui; Scheller, Anja; Menger, Michael D.; Ampofo, Emmanuel
article2017Indole-3-carbinol is a potent inhibitor of ischemia-reperfusion-induced inflammationAmpofo, Emmanuel; Lachnitt, Nico; Rudzitis-Auth, Jeannette; Schmitt, Beate M.; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W.
ORCID: iD icon
Name:Schmitt, Beate Maria
Faculty: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Department: M - Medizinische Biochemie und Molekularbiologie
Professorship:M - Prof. Dr. Michael D. Menger
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