List of publications

article2022Efficacy of Off-Label Anti-Amoebic Agents to Suppress Trophozoite Formation of Acanthamoeba spp. on Non-Nutrient Agar Escherichia Coli PlatesMuthukumar, Vithusan; Shi, Lei; Chai, Ning; Langenbucher, Achim; Becker, Sören L.; Seitz, Berthold; Orosz, Erika; Stachon, Tanja; Kiderlen, Albrecht F.; Bischoff, Markus; Szentmáry, Nóra
article2020Keratin 12 mRNA expression could serve as an early corneal marker for limbal explant culturesShi, Lei; Stachon, Tanja; Käsmann-Kellner, Barbara; Seitz, Berthold; Szentmáry, Nóra; Latta, Lorenz
doctoralThesis2019The effect of antiamoebic agents on human corneal cells and the Acanthamoeba castellanii 1BU strainShi, Lei
Name:Shi, Lei
Faculty: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Department: M - Augenheilkunde
Professorship:M - Prof. Dr. Berthold Seitz
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