Dokumenttyp | Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autoren | Herausgeber |
article | 2024 | Finite Element Combined Design and Material Optimization Addressing the Wear in Removable Implant Prosthodontics | Shayanfard, Pejman; Tan, Xingchen; Karl, Matthias; Wendler, Frank | |
article | 2024 | In Vitro Handling Characteristics of a Particulate Bone Substitute for Ridge Preservation Procedures | Dahl, Samira; Klär-Quarz, Virgilia; Schulz, Annika; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja | |
article | 2024 | Retentive Behavior of Locator versus Ball Attachments on Parallel versus Non-Parallel Implants | Orujov, Kamran; Roth, Daniel; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja | |
article | 2024 | Design-Dependent Electrophysiological Effects of Electrolysis Electrodes Used for Endodontic Disinfection | Bauer, Reinhard; Ringel, Johannes; Koch, Maximilian; Laschke, Matthias Werner; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2024 | Determinants of Temperature Development during Dental Implant Surgery | Sekura, Kirsten; Erbel, Carolin; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja | |
article | 2023 | Implant-Supported Overdentures: Current Status and Preclinical Testing of a Novel Attachment System | Wendler, Frank; Diehl, Lisa; Shayanfard, Pejman; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2023 | Biomechanical Rationale for a Novel Implant Design Reducing Stress on Buccal Bone | Schulz, Annika; Klär, Virgilia; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2023 | Electrochemical Disinfection of Root Canals Bears No Risk of Damaging Periapical Tissues in a Dog Model | Koch, Maximilian; Demmer, Elena; Palarie, Victor; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2023 | Diamond as Insulation for Conductive Diamond : A Spotted Pattern Design for Miniaturized Disinfection Devices | Zulla, Manuel; Vierheilig, Vera; Koch, Maximilian; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias; Rosiwal, Stefan | |
article | 2023 | Evaluation of different debridement strategies for implant-abutment connections: An in vitro study | Lang, Lilly K.; Karl, Matthias; Klär, Virgilia | |
article | 2022 | Root Canal Obturation by Electrochemical Precipitation of Calcium Phosphates | Koch, Maximilian; Palarie, Victor; Göltz, Maximilian; Kurzer, Marvin; Zulla, Manuel; Rosiwal, Stefan; Willner, Marian; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2022 | Pilot study on the applicability of boron-doped diamond electrodes for tooth whitening | Klär, Virgilia; Palarie, Victor; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja | |
article | 2022 | Preclinical Testing of Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes for Root Canal Disinfection—A Series of Preliminary Studies | Koch, Maximilian; Palarie, Victor; Koch, Lisa; Burkovski, Andreas; Zulla, Manuel; Rosiwal, Stefan; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2022 | Design and Numerical-Method-Aided Optimization of a Novel Attachment System for Implant-Retained Dental Prostheses Using NiTi Shape Memory Alloys | Shayanfard, Pejman; Wendler, Frank; Hempel, Philipp; Karl, Matthias | |
article | 2021 | Bone Damage during Dental Implant Insertion: A Pilot Study Combining Strain Gauge and Histologic Analysis | Klär, Virgilia; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja | |
article | 2021 | Comparison of extraction sites versus artificial defects with xenogenic bone substitute in minipigs | Steiner, Constanze; Karl, Matthias; Laschke, Matthias W.; Schupbach, Peter; Venturato, Andrea; Gasser, Angelines | |
article | 2020 | Students at Saarland University dental school-A survey on their background and curriculum perception | Meyer, Birgit; Karl, Matthias; Luft, Torsten; Koch, Simon; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja; Steiner, Constanze | |
article | 2020 | Electrochemical Disinfection of Dental Implants Experimentally Contaminated with Microorganisms as a Model for Periimplantitis | Koch, Maximilian; Göltz, Maximilian; Xiangjun, Meng; Karl, Matthias; Rosiwal, Stefan; Burkovski, Andreas | |
article | 2020 | Evaluation of Insertion Energy as Novel Parameter for Dental Implant Stability | Grobecker-Karl, Tanja; Dickinson, Anthony; Heckmann, Siegfried; Karl, Matthias; Steiner, Constanze | |
article | 2019 | Electrochemical Disinfection of Experimentally Infected Teeth by Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode Treatment | Böhm, Anna-Lena; Koch, Maximilian; Rosiwal, Stefan; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja | |
article | 2019 | Influence of In-Situ Electrochemical Oxidation on Implant Surface and Colonizing Microorganisms Evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy | Göltz, Maximilian; Koch, Maximilian; Detsch, Rainer; Karl, Matthias; Burkovski, Andreas; Rosiwal, Stefan | |
article | 2019 | Does intraoperative bone density testing correlate with parameters of primary implant stability? A pilot study in minipigs | Grobecker-Karl, Tanja; Palarie, Victor; Schneider, Sonja; Karl, Matthias | |