Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: doi:10.22028/D291-42241
Title: Additional data for the mouse TRPV6 expression atlas
Author(s): Wartenberg, Philipp
Lux, Femke
Fecher-Trost, Claudia
Flockerzi, Veit
Krasteva-Christ, Gabriela
Boehm, Ulrich
Weissgerber, Petra
Language: English
Title: Data in Brief
Volume: 42
Publisher/Platform: Elsevier
Year of Publication: 2022
Free key words: TRP channels
Genetic labeling
DDC notations: 610 Medicine and health
Publikation type: Journal Article
Abstract: To identify TRPV6 expression in the whole mouse with a cellular resolution we took advantage of TRPV6-IRES-Cre knockin mice crossed with the enhanced ROSA26-τ GFP reporter line. In the resulting TRPV6-IC/eR26-τ GFP animals, TRPV6- expressing cells are labeled with τ GFP. Data were collected from organs prepared from fixed experimental adult and juvenile TRPV6-IC/eR26τ GFP and Cre-negative eR26-τ GFP control animals of both sexes. Organ cryosections from each age and sex were stained for GFP and imaged with a slide scanner. Here, we describe reporter gene expression in a large number of tissues. We also document the absence of τ GFP signal in the corresponding Cre-negative control tissues, including controls for the TRPV6 expression data described in [1]. The data reported here and in [1] constitute the TRPV6 expression atlas for the mouse. Our data offer a wealth of information to enable investigation of the functional role of TRPV6 channels in different tissues.
DOI of the first publication: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108201
URL of the first publication:
Link to this record: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-422414
ISSN: 2352-3409
Date of registration: 24-Jun-2024
Faculty: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Department: M - Anatomie und Zellbiologie
M - Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Professorship: M - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Boehm
M - Prof. Dr. Veit Flockerzi
M - Prof. Dr. Gabriela Krasteva-Christ
Collections:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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