Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: doi:10.22028/D291-41205
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Title: Sport and Doping : the analysis of an antagonistic symbiosis
Editor(s): Emrich, Eike
Pitsch, Werner
Language: English
Publisher/Platform: Peter Lang
Year of Publication: 2011
Place of publication: Frankfurt am Main
Free key words: guilt and reciprocity
Elite athletes
anti-doping legislation
Criminal penalties
DDC notations: 360 Social problems , social services, insurance
796 Sports
Publikation type: Edited Boook (Anthology)
Abstract: Do elite sport and doping form an antagonistic symbiosis in which both partners can live neither with nor without each other? From its very beginnings to the present day the phenomenon of doping has probably gone hand in hand with modern professional sport performed for a monetary reward. The contributions provide insight into this symbiosis from the perspectives of sociology, economics, and law. They show that different intertwined surrounding conditions and social processes enable the use of doping substances. Individual and collective actors produce this phenomenon as an unintended consequence of their purposeful social behaviour. These interdependent influences produce a dynamic equilibrium from which many actors benefit.
URL of the first publication:
Link to this record: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-412051
ISBN: 978-3-631-63078-5
Date of registration: 27-Nov-2023
Faculty: HW - Fakultät für Empirische Humanwissenschaften und Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Department: HW - Sportwissenschaft
Professorship: HW - Prof. Dr. Eike Emrich
Collections:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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