Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: doi:10.22028/D291-27437
Title: Intracellular Diagnostics: Hunting for the Mode of Action of Redox-Modulating Selenium Compounds in Selected Model Systems
Author(s): Mániková, Dominika
Letavayová, Lucia Medvecová
Vlasáková, Danuša
Košík, Pavol
Estevam, Ethiene Castellucci
Nasim, Muhammad Jawad
Gruhlke, Martin
Slusarenko, Alan
Burkholz, Torsten
Jacob, Claus
Chovanec, Miroslav
Language: English
Title: Molecules
Volume: 19
Issue: 8
Startpage: 12258
Endpage: 12279
Publisher/Platform: MDPI
Year of Publication: 2014
DDC notations: 540 Chemistry
Publikation type: Journal Article
Abstract: Redox-modulating compounds derived from natural sources, such as redox active secondary metabolites, are currently of considerable interest in the field of chemoprevention, drug and phytoprotectant development. Unfortunately, the exact and occasionally even selective activity of such products, and the underlying (bio-)chemical causes thereof, are often only poorly understood. A combination of the nematode- and yeast-based assays provides a powerful platform to investigate a possible biological activity of a new compound and also to explore the “redox link” which may exist between its activity on the one side and its chemistry on the other. Here, we will demonstrate the usefulness of this platform for screening several selenium and tellurium compounds for their activity and action. We will also show how the nematode-based assay can be used to obtain information on compound uptake and distribution inside a multicellular organism, whilst the yeast-based system can be employed to explore possible intracellular mechanisms via chemogenetic screening and intracellular diagnostics. Whilst none of these simple and easy-to-use assays can ultimately substitute for in-depth studies in human cells and animals, these methods nonetheless provide a first glimpse on the possible biological activities of new compounds and offer direction for more complicated future investigations. They may also uncover some rather unpleasant biochemical actions of certain compounds, such as the ability of the trace element supplement selenite to induce DNA strand breaks.
DOI of the first publication: 10.3390/molecules190812258
Link to this record: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-274376
ISSN: 1420-3049
Date of registration: 3-Jan-2020
Faculty: NT - Naturwissenschaftlich- Technische Fakultät
Department: NT - Pharmazie
Collections:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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