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Titel: | The buckling instability of aggregating red blood cells |
VerfasserIn: | Flormann, Daniel A. D. Aouane, Othmane Kästner, Lars Ruloff, Christian Misbah, Chaouqi Podgorski, Thomas Wagner, Christian |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Titel: | Scientific reports |
Bandnummer: | 7 |
Heft: | 1 |
Verlag/Plattform: | SpringerNature |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2017 |
Dokumenttyp: | Journalartikel / Zeitschriftenartikel |
Abstract: | Plasma proteins such as fibrinogen induce the aggregation of red blood cells (RBC) into rouleaux, which are responsible for the pronounced shear thinning behavior of blood, control the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) - a common hematological test - and are involved in many situations of physiological relevance such as structuration of blood in the microcirculation or clot formation in pathological situations. Confocal microscopy is used to characterize the shape of RBCs within rouleaux at equilibrium as a function of macromolecular concentration, revealing the diversity of contact zone morphology. Three different configurations that have only been partly predicted before are identified, namely parachute, male-female and sigmoid shapes, and quantitatively recovered by numerical simulations. A detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of clusters of two cells shows that the deformation increases nonlinearly with the interaction energy. Models indicate a forward bifurcation in which the contacting membrane undergoes a buckling instability from a flat to a deformed contact zone at a critical value of the interaction energy. These results are not only relevant for the understanding of the morphology and stability of RBC aggregates, but also for a whole class of interacting soft deformable objects such as vesicles, capsules or cells in tissues. |
DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: | 10.1038/s41598-017-07634-6 |
URL der Erstveröffentlichung: | |
Link zu diesem Datensatz: | hdl:20.500.11880/28367 |
ISSN: | 2045-2322 |
Datum des Eintrags: | 22-Nov-2019 |
Fakultät: | NT - Naturwissenschaftlich- Technische Fakultät |
Fachrichtung: | NT - Physik |
Professur: | NT - Prof. Dr. Christian Wagner |
Sammlung: | SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes |
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