List of publications

article2023The 3q Oncogene SEC62 Predicts Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Regulates Tumor Cell Migration in Triple Negative Breast CancerRadosa, Julia C.; Kasoha, Mariz; Doerk, Merle; Cullmann, Annika; Kaya, Askin C.; Linxweiler, Maximilian; Radosa, Marc P.; Takacs, Zoltan; Tirincsi, Andrea; Lang, Sven; Jung, Martin; Puppe, Julian; Linxweiler, Barbara; Wagner, Mathias; Bohle, Rainer M.; Solomayer, Erich-Franz; Zimmermann, Julia S. M.
Other2022Mechanisms of ER Protein ImportLang, Sven; Zimmermann, Richard
article2022Proteomics Identifies Substrates and a Novel Component in hSnd2-Dependent ER Protein TargetingTirincsi, Andrea; O’Keefe, Sarah; Nguyen, Duy; Sicking, Mark; Dudek, Johanna; Förster, Friedrich; Jung, Martin; Hadzibeganovic, Drazena; Helms, Volkhard; High, Stephen; Zimmermann, Richard; Lang, Sven
article2022Signal Peptide Features Determining the Substrate Specificities of Targeting and Translocation Components in Human ER Protein ImportLang, Sven; Nguyen, Duy; Bhadra, Pratiti; Jung, Martin; Helms, Volkhard; Zimmermann, Richard
article2021The Molecular Biodiversity of Protein Targeting and Protein Transport Related to the Endoplasmic ReticulumTirincsi, Andrea; Sicking, Mark; Hadzibeganovic, Drazena; Haßdenteufel, Sarah; Lang, Sven
article2021Quantitative Proteomics and Differential Protein Abundance Analysis after Depletion of Putative mRNA Receptors in the ER Membrane of Human Cells Identifies Novel Aspects of mRNA Targeting to the ERBhadra, Pratiti; Schorr, Stefan; Lerner, Monika; Nguyen, Duy; Dudek, Johanna; Förster, Friedrich; Helms, Volkhard; Lang, Sven; Zimmermann, Richard
article2021Complexity and Specificity of Sec61-Channelopathies: Human Diseases Affecting Gating of the Sec61 ComplexSicking, Mark; Lang, Sven; Bochen, Florian; Roos, Andreas; Drenth, Joost P. H.; Zakaria, Muhammad; Zimmermann, Richard; Linxweiler, Maximilian
article2021Lights, Camera, Interaction: Studying Protein–Protein Interactions of the ER Protein Translocase in Living CellsSicking, Mark; Jung, Martin; Lang, Sven
article2021Quantitative Proteomics and Differential Protein Abundance Analysis after the Depletion of PEX3 from Human Cells Identifies Additional Aspects of Protein Targeting to the ERZimmermann, Richard; Lang, Sven; Lerner, Monika; Förster, Friedrich; Nguyen, Duy; Helms, Volkhard; Schrul, Bianca
Other2021Autoimmune & Inflammatory NMD : EP.12 ER-stress and UPR-activation in immune-mediated necrotizing myopathyPreusse, C.; Marteau, T.; Fischer, N.; Hentschel, A.; Lang, S.; Dittmayer, C.; Schneider, U.; Schara-Schmidt, U.; Allenbach, Y.; Benveniste, O.; Goebel, H.; Stenzel, W.; Roos, A.
ORCID: iD icon
Name:Lang, Sven
Faculty: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Department: M - Medizinische Biochemie und Molekularbiologie
Professorship:M - Keiner Professur zugeordnet
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