Bitte benutzen Sie diese Referenz, um auf diese Ressource zu verweisen: doi:10.22028/D291-41281
Titel: Generation of Connective Tissue-Free Microvascular Fragment Isolates from Subcutaneous Fat Tissue of Obese Mice
VerfasserIn: Meßner, Friederike C.
Metzger, Wolfgang
Marschall, Julia E.
Bickelmann, Caroline
Menger, Michael D.
Laschke, Matthias W.
Sprache: Englisch
Titel: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Bandnummer: 20
Heft: 7
Seiten: 1079-1090
Verlag/Plattform: Springer Nature
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Freie Schlagwörter: Tissue engineering
Microvascular fragments
Subcutaneous fat tissue
DDC-Sachgruppe: 610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Dokumenttyp: Journalartikel / Zeitschriftenartikel
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Microvascular fragment (MVF) isolates are generated by short-term enzymatic digestion of adipose tissue and contain numerous vessel segments for the vascularization of tissue defects. Recent findings indicate that the functionality of these isolates is determined by the quality of the fat source. Therefore, we compared MVF isolates from subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese and lean mice. METHODS: MVF isolates were generated from subcutaneous adipose tissue of donor mice, which received a high fat or control diet for 12 weeks. The isolates were analyzed in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: Feeding of mice with a high fat diet induced obesity with adipocyte hypertrophy, resulting in a significantly lower collagen fraction and microvessel density within the subcutaneous fat depots when compared to lean controls. Accordingly, MVF isolates from obese mice also contained a reduced number of MVF per mL adipose tissue. However, these MVF tended to be longer and, in contrast to MVF from lean mice, were not contaminated with collagen fibers. Hence, they could be freely seeded onto collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffolds, whereas MVF from lean controls were trapped in between large amounts of collagen fibers that clogged the pores of the scaffolds. In line with these results, scaffolds seeded with MVF isolates from obese mice exhibited a significantly improved in vivo vascularization after implantation into full-thickness skin defects. CONCLUSION: Subcutaneous adipose tissue from obese mice facilitates the generation of connective tissue-free MVF isolates. Translated to clinical conditions, these findings suggest that particularly obese patients may benefit from MVFbased vascularization strategies.
DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.1007/s13770-023-00571-8
URL der Erstveröffentlichung:
Link zu diesem Datensatz: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-412817
ISSN: 2212-5469
Datum des Eintrags: 11-Dez-2023
Fakultät: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Fachrichtung: M - Chirurgie
Professur: M - Prof. Dr. Michael D. Menger
Sammlung:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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