Bitte benutzen Sie diese Referenz, um auf diese Ressource zu verweisen: doi:10.22028/D291-39928
Titel: Impact of noise on spinodal dewetting of liquid-liquid films
VerfasserIn: Shiri, Roghayeh
Schmeller, Leonie
Peschka, Dirk
Seemann, Ralf
Wagner, Barbara
Sprache: Englisch
Titel: Communications Physics
Bandnummer: 6
Heft: 1
Verlag/Plattform: Springer Nature
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Freie Schlagwörter: Statistical physics
Surfaces, interfaces and thin films
DDC-Sachgruppe: 500 Naturwissenschaften
Dokumenttyp: Journalartikel / Zeitschriftenartikel
Abstract: Spinodal dewetting provides fundamental insights into the physics at interfaces, such as van der Waals forces driving dewetting, dissipation processes or thermal fluctuations. The dewetting process of liquid bilayer systems still raises open problems involving two coupled moving interfaces. Comparison of experimental results of spinodally dewetting liquid polystyrene films from liquid polymethylmethacrylate substrates, with predictions from linear stability analysis, we demonstrate that both the spinodal wavelength and the rupture times show significant differences. Key for this discrepancy is the altered mode selection process due to the initial surface roughness of the liquid-air and liquid-liquid interfaces, which is perturbed by partially correlated colored noise in the linearly unstable region. The strong effect of noise on mode selection and rupture time is confirmed by comparing experimental results with numerical solutions of the full dynamic nonlinear model and suggest new strategies to include thermal fluctuations into modeling these processes.
DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.1038/s42005-023-01208-x
URL der Erstveröffentlichung:
Link zu diesem Datensatz: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-399288
ISSN: 2399-3650
Datum des Eintrags: 9-Jun-2023
Bezeichnung des in Beziehung stehenden Objekts: Supplementary information
In Beziehung stehendes Objekt:
Fakultät: NT - Naturwissenschaftlich- Technische Fakultät
Fachrichtung: NT - Physik
Professur: NT - Prof. Dr. Ralf Seemann
Sammlung:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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