Bitte benutzen Sie diese Referenz, um auf diese Ressource zu verweisen: doi:10.22028/D291-39395
Titel: Chemical and Structural Comparison of Different Commercial Food Supplements for Silicon Uptake
VerfasserIn: Curto, Yannic
Koch, Marcus
Kickelbick, Guido
Sprache: Englisch
Titel: Solids
Bandnummer: 4
Heft: 1
Verlag/Plattform: MDPI
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Freie Schlagwörter: food supplements
orthosilicic acid
29Si solid-state NMR
DDC-Sachgruppe: 500 Naturwissenschaften
Dokumenttyp: Journalartikel / Zeitschriftenartikel
Abstract: Various food supplements for silicon uptake were compared in terms of their structures and chemical compositions. In particular, we analyzed the silanol group content, which can be an indicator of the uptake of the siliceous species in the human body. We analyzed the commercial products Original Silicea Balsam®, Flügge Siliceous Earth Powder, Pure Colloidal Silicon, and BioSil® by applying various methods such as FTIR, 29Si NMR, and TGA. The Si-OH group content of the samples containing pure silica was the highest for the Original Silicea Balsam followed by the Pure Colloidal Silicon. The siliceous earth powder revealed the lowest content of such groups and the densest structure. BioSil® contained a considerable concentration of organic molecules that stabilized orthosilicic acid. The study may help to understand the silicon uptake behavior of different food supplements depending on their chemical structure.
DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.3390/solids4010001
URL der Erstveröffentlichung:
Link zu diesem Datensatz: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-393950
ISSN: 2673-6497
Datum des Eintrags: 29-Mär-2023
Fakultät: NT - Naturwissenschaftlich- Technische Fakultät
Fachrichtung: NT - Chemie
Professur: NT - Prof. Dr. Guido Kickelbick
Sammlung:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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