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Titel: Standardizing nomenclature in regional anesthesia : an ASRA-ESRA Delphi consensus study of abdominal wall, paraspinal, and chest wall blocks
VerfasserIn: El-Boghdadly, Kariem
Wolmarans, Morné
Stengel, Angela D.
Albrecht, Eric
Chin, Ki Jinn
Elsharkawy, Hesham
Kopp, Sandra
Mariano, Edward R.
Xu, Jeff L.
Adhikary, Sanjib
Altıparmak, Başak
Barrington, Michael J.
Bloc, Sébastien
Blanco, Rafael
Boretsky, Karen
Børglum, Jens
Breebaart, Margaretha
Burckett-St Laurent, David
Capdevila, Xavier
Carvalho, Brendan
Chuan, Alwin
Coppens, Steve
Costache, Ioana
Dam, Mette
Egeler, Christian
Fajardo, Mario
Gadsden, Jeff
Gautier, Philippe Emmanuel
Grant, Stuart Alan
Hadzic, Admir
Hebbard, Peter
Hernandez, Nadia
Hogg, Rosemary
Holtz, Margaret
Johnson, Rebecca L.
Karmakar, Manoj Kumar
Kessler, Paul
Kwofie, Kwesi
Lobo, Clara
Ludwin, Danielle
MacFarlane, Alan
McDonnell, John
McLeod, Graeme
Merjavy, Peter
Moran, Eml
O'Donnell, Brian D.
Parras, Teresa
Pawa, Amit
Perlas, Anahi
Rojas Gomez, Maria Fernanda
Sala-Blanch, Xavier
Saporito, Andrea
Sinha, Sanjay Kumar
Soffin, Ellen M
Thottungal, Athmaja
Tsui, Ban C. H.
Tulgar, Serkan
Turbitt, Lloyd
Uppal, Vishal
van Geffen, Geert J.
Volk, Thomas
Elkassabany, Nabil M.
Sprache: Englisch
Titel: Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
Bandnummer: 46
Heft: 7
Seiten: 571-580
Verlag/Plattform: BMJ
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
DDC-Sachgruppe: 610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Dokumenttyp: Journalartikel / Zeitschriftenartikel
Abstract: Background There is heterogeneity in the names and anatomical descriptions of regional anesthetic techniques. This may have adverse consequences on education, research, and implementation into clinical practice. We aimed to produce standardized nomenclature for abdominal wall, paraspinal, and chest wall regional anesthetic techniques. Methods We conducted an international consensus study involving experts using a three-round Delphi method to produce a list of names and corresponding descriptions of anatomical targets. After long-list formulation by a Steering Committee, the first and second rounds involved anonymous electronic voting and commenting, with the third round involving a virtual round table discussion aiming to achieve consensus on items that had yet to achieve it. Novel names were presented where required for anatomical clarity and harmonization. Strong consensus was defined as ≥75% agreement and weak consensus as 50% to 74% agreement. Results Sixty expert Collaborators participated in this study. After three rounds and clarification, harmonization, and introduction of novel nomenclature, strong consensus was achieved for the names of 16 block names and weak consensus for four names. For anatomical descriptions, strong consensus was achieved for 19 blocks and weak consensus was achieved for one approach. Several areas requiring further research were identified. Conclusions Harmonization and standardization of nomenclature may improve education, research, and ultimately patient care. We present the first international consensus on nomenclature and anatomical descriptions of blocks of the abdominal wall, chest wall, and paraspinal blocks. We recommend using the consensus results in academic and clinical practice.
DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.1136/rapm-2020-102451
URL der Erstveröffentlichung:
Link zu diesem Datensatz: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291--ds-384169
ISSN: 1532-8651
Datum des Eintrags: 7-Dez-2022
Fakultät: M - Medizinische Fakultät
Fachrichtung: M - Anästhesiologie
Professur: M - Prof. Dr. Thomas Volk
Sammlung:SciDok - Der Wissenschaftsserver der Universität des Saarlandes

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