@article{BurgardEnglerBlickleBartholomäMausSchaefer-SchulerKhreishEzziddinRosar_2024, title={Change of glucometabolic activity per PSMA expression predicts survival in mCRPC patients non-responding to PSMA radioligand therapy: introducing a novel dual imaging biomarker}, author={Burgard, Caroline and Engler, Jakob and Blickle, Arne and Bartholomä, Mark and Maus, Stephan and Schaefer-Schuler, Andrea and Khreish, Fadi and Ezziddin, Samer and Rosar, Florian}, issn={2296-858X}, doi={http://dx.doi.org/10.22028/D291-41466}, volume={10}, publisher={Frontiers}, journal={Frontiers in Medicine}, year={2024} }