@article{AlterMayerhoferKahnertWatzWaschkiAndreasBiertzBalsVogelmeierJörres_2019, title={Prevalence of cardiac comorbidities, and their underdetection and contribution to exertional symptoms in COPD : results from the COSYCONET cohort}, author={Alter, Peter and Mayerhofer, Barbara A. and Kahnert, Kathrin and Watz, Henrik and Waschki, Benjamin and Andreas, Stefan and Biertz, Frank and Bals, Robert and Vogelmeier, Claus F. and Jörres, Rudolf A.}, issn={1178-2005}, doi={http://dx.doi.org/10.22028/D291-37471}, series={14}, volume={2019}, publisher={DOVE}, journal={International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease}, year={2019} }