@article{WinterWeissgerberKleinLuxYildizWissenbachPhilippMeyerFlockerziFecher-Trost_2020, title={Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) Proteins Control the Extracellular Matrix Structure of the Placental Labyrinth}, author={Winter, Manuel and Weissgerber, Petra and Klein, Karolin and Lux, Femke and Yildiz, Daniela and Wissenbach, Ulrich and Philipp, Stephan E. and Meyer, Markus R. and Flockerzi, Veit and Fecher-Trost, Claudia}, issn={1422-0067}, doi={http://dx.doi.org/10.22028/D291-32969}, series={24}, volume={21}, publisher={MDPI}, journal={International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, year={2020} }