@article{BakkesRiehmSagadinRühlmannSchubertBiemannGirhardHutterBernhardtUrlacher_2017, title={Engineering of versatile redox partner fusions that support monooxygenase activity of functionally diverse cytochrome P450s}, author={Bakkes, Patrick J. and Riehm, Jan L. and Sagadin, Tanja and Rühlmann, Ansgar and Schubert, Peter and Biemann, Stefan and Girhard, Marco and Hutter, Michael Christopher and Bernhardt, Rita and Urlacher, Vlada B.}, issn={2045-2322}, doi={http://dx.doi.org/10.22028/D291-29466}, series={1}, volume={7}, publisher={SpringerNature}, journal={Scientific reports}, year={2017} }